Zhang Li
Mr. Zhang Li was born in 1958 in Beijing, People's Republic of China. He graduated from the Fine Art Department of the People's Liberation Army Institute in 1983, where he majored in oil painting. Mr.Zhang is currently a Professor at the Institute, as well as a member of the Chinese Association of Artists.
Zhang Li has won many national awards in China, including the Artist's Excellence Award at several different national exhibitions. His talents are widely recog
张利(1958.9—)北京人。擅长油画。1983年毕业于解放军艺术学院美术系。后留校任教。现为中国美协会员,解放军艺术学院教授。1981年参加全国美 展,1988年参加第一届中国油画展,1991年参加法国第23届宾卡国际绘画展,2000年在美国纽约大都 会博物馆举办的“2000年国际肖像绘画届”上获最高奖,2004北京写实画派展,2005年中国写实画派油画作品展。